Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so fucken ahhh went here again. Ryan took us around so he could take pictures of us skating and shit for his class.

skated around found this fountain. yadada

then i looked up and saw this and askedi homeboy "dude what if someone stuck that up your ass"

then went to a real spot, then got kicked out by huge black women

then went to find THIS spot

for like 2 hours, then going up these fucking retarded steps to see if it was up there, but it wasnt but from the view we saw what was believed to be the spot then went to it, and it wasnt. then skated down one more block and it wasnt there and had to walk uphill again thanks to ryan. so instead we went to that one bank spot and we found this on the adventure to it.

the spot

some scary room

then ryan thought it would be a good idea to take some cliche pictures of the golden gate for his San Francisco Academy of Arts college class.

then we went to this restaurant balled Grapevine or Crepevine. it was IGHT.

then we went to the shoreview park, but it was so fucking cold and yeah it was cold and shit



Anonymous said...


jensenn said...

sherry actually made that fountain.

all she had to do was jump.